Heritage Trust Network
2024 Conference Organiser
Globella worked with the Heritage Trust Network for the second year in a row to organise and deliver their 2024 Annual Conference and Dinner in Dunfermline, Scotland
Photographer Credit:
Jim Walker, HTN Conference, Dumfermline 2024
About The Project
For the second year we organised and delivered the Heritage Trust Network Conference for 2024. The Network had chosen Dunfermline in Scotland for the host city, and throughout the three days 250 heritage enthusiasts and professionals got involved in tours, visits, conversation, learning and developing.
We worked with a steering committee that was chaired by Globella on a regular basis to put together the main conference agenda with a full stage of plenary speakers, 15 breakout sessions and 24 exhibitors.
Globella also worked with local designer Abigail Ruskin to complete the Sponsorship Prospectus and Delegate pack.
The full program of events is detailed in the Delegate pack below but included the following:
Tours and visits (15)
Reception Drinks at Dunfermline Carnegie Library and Galleries
Full day Conference at The Glen Pavilion, Dunfermline
Evening Dinner at The Den, Culross
Tours and visits including Dunfermline, Inverkeithing, Culross and Charlestown.
Farewell Lunch at Dunfermline Abbey
Event Packs
Photographer Credit: Jim Walker, HTN Conference, Dumfermline 2024

Project Objectives
At least 200 in-person delegates attend
The event breaks even financially (preferably making a surplus)
Sponsorship income increases on previous years
The conference helps the Network to further engage with both key stakeholders and new communities
Delegate feedback is overwhelmingly positive and they are delighted with all aspects of the conference
The conference retains its existing friendly and inspiring character
The Scope of Our Services
The Scope of services included, but was not limited to:
Locating a suitable venue and reporting back to the Chief Executive and Chair.
Researching potential dates for the conference, avoiding half-term holidays in each of the UK nations and clashes with other events which might attract similar audiences.
Liaising with the venue and caterers, and agreeing dates, the requirements and prices.
Convening a conference working group of staff, trustees and member volunteers (from the location city).
Convening regular online meetings of the group to get suggestions and feedback on the programme.
Drawing up a promotional plan for the conference, including the development of event branding.
Developing a conference programme, recruiting speakers, facilitators, tour leaders and entertainers.
Drawing up an exhibitor/sponsorship package and promoting it to previous sponsors, existing Partner members and the wider heritage business community.
Agreeing exhibitor/sponsorship deals.
Researching and securing locations for tours, visits and conference dinners.
Agreeing pricing with the Chief Executive and managing the conference on Eventbrite. This included the ongoing management of ticket sales.
Developing the conference page on the Network website and ensuring delegates had the information they require to make informed choices about accommodation, travel, etc.
Liaising with speakers, facilitators and tour leaders to ensure they had agreed to contribute and were appropriately briefed.
Recruiting a photographer and videographer for the event.
Preparing regular reports for the staff team, conference working group and board.
Communicating with delegates and dealing with any issues they arose.
Monitoring costs and managing the event budget.
Securing additional elements required to make the event a success
"Congratulations on a great event – large networking, multi-stakeholder, multi-venue events are big ships to steer. I know that a huge amount of work went on behind the scenes and well in advance to ensure that it was delivered so seamlessly and that programme offered something for everyone and reflected issues people want to talk and learn about. Great to see a light shone on Dunfermline, I think this was a good call as it feels like it has added real value for the City and those involved in the heritage development work happening there."
Elaine Gibb, Partnerships & Learning Manager - William Grant Foundation
"I just wanted to say a huge thank you to you and the rest of the Heritage Network Team, for such a successful conference, I found it so useful and such a welcoming conference too. I loved every minute of it and am an enthusiastic advocate for Dunfermline now too!"
Katie Potter, Education and Fundraising Co-ordinator, Buxton Crescent Heritage Trust
"It was great to meet people in person. This was my first conference I wanted to say how fantastic it was to be part of and how impressed I was by the content, speakers, workshop hosts and of course the team keeping it all in line."
Clea Warner, National Trust for Scotland.
"The heritage partners I have spoken with since the event, many of whom attended were still buzzing from their conversations and admired the positivity of the whole event.
You and the team did a great job in organising and, with everyone positive about their experience, that is not always the case with conferences, well done!"
Mark Macleod, Andrew Carnegie Birthplace Museum