NCT - Building Sustainable Futures for Scottish Churches
Event Management
Globella worked closely with the National Churches Trust to organise and deliver an exhibition and networking event in 2024, with workshops, talks and exhibitors at Paisley Abbey
About The Project
On Friday 1 November 2024, Globella worked with the National Churches Trust to organise and deliver a one day conference – the first of its kind – held at Paisley Abbey to equip places of worship to weather these uncertain times.
More than 250 people from across Scotland gathered at Paisley Abbey to hear inspiring talks about fundraising, community ownership of churches, marketing, and creating a sustainable income. There was also a chance for them to meet with organsiations that fund church repairs and that could offer advice on tourism, climate change and grants to equip them to keep their place of worship open and in use.
The event was put on by the National Churches Trust (thanks to The National Lottery Heritage Fund) in partnership with Historic Environment Scotland, Historic Churches Scotland, Scotland’s Churches Trust and Paisley Abbey.
For an idea of what we achieved, check out the agenda for the day:

10.00 - Welcome
Jim Gibson: Paisley Abbey Interim Moderator
Sir Philip Rutnam: National Churches Trust Chair
10.10 - Introduction From the Host Organisations
National Churches Trust: Jon Hodges
Historic Environment Scotland: Craig Stanford
Scotland's Churches Trust: Dr. DJ Johnston-Smith
Historic Churches of Scotland: Victoria Collison
10.20 - Meet the Funders
Architectural Heritage Fund
Seeds for Growth
Benefact Trust
Scottish Episcopal Church
Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations
10.30-11.30 - Talk Section 1:
Fundraising for Your Church
1. 'Funding for Churches' with Historic Environment Scotland
2. 'The National Lottery Heritage Fund and Supporting Places of Worship' with the National Lottery Heritage Fund
3. 'Fundraising and its Challenges' with the National Churches Trust
4. 'How to get Started with Cashless Fundraising and Maximise Your Revenues' with Give a Little
Q&A led by Dr DJ Johnston-Smith, Scotland's Churches Trust
12.00-12.45 Talk Section 2:
'Green / Net Zero / Maintenance' - Keeping Your Church Going
1. 'Good Hat, Good Boots: Why Proactive Building Maintenance is the Cornerstone of Conservation' with the Church of Scotland
2. 'Community-Led Chat and Action on Climate' with Climate Café
3. 'Let's do Net Zero in Scotland's Churches and Communities' with Eco Congregation
Q&A led by Jon Hodges, National Churches Trust
Lunch, Exhibition & Networking
13.45-14.30 - Talk Section 3:
Narrate Your Story & Engage Your Audience
1. 'Pilgrims, Visitors and Local People: How to Welcome, Share Your Stories and Engage With the Media' with the National Churches Trust
2. 'Tourism and Your Church - A Dirty Word, or a Force for Good?' with the Scottish Community Tourism Network (SCOTO)
Q&A led by Craig Stanford, Historic Environment Scotland
15.00-16.00 - Talk Section 4:
Communities and the People That Keep Them Going
1. 'Paisley Abbey' with Paisley Abbey
2. 'St. Monans; Auld Kirk, New Ideas' with St. Monans Auld Kirk Enterprise (SMAKE)
3. 'Kilmaronock Old Kirk - The Trust's Journey So Far' with Kilmaronock Old Kirk Trust
4. 'The Pyramid: Make Anderston Flourish' with The Pyramid
Q&A led by Victoria Collison, Historic Churches of Scotland
Close & Away

"It was an absolute delight working with Globella at every stage during the organisation of our recent national conference. From our initial meeting, through weeks of careful planning, to the event itself, Hannah carefully stewarded and managed the diverse and occasionally competing needs of the four collaborating project partners and the multiple individual and organisational stakeholders invited to participate. Working to a tight budget, hosting an event within a distinctive but somewhat challenging medieval venue, she successfully crafted a thoroughly engaging programme of information stalls and speakers.
On the day, she ensured the conference came together seamlessly without a hitch, keeping it to time and ensuring the best possible experience for the hundreds of attendees. We highly recommend the very professional service offered by Globella and we look forward to working with Hannah again in the future."
Dr DJ Johnston-Smith
Scotland's Churches Trust

"In Hannah's capable hands a complex 'first of its kind' multi-partner event in an unfamiliar setting became straightforward. Her organisational skills, attention to detail, and strong communication meant that as an event partner I felt confident that everything had been thought about, done, and was under control. On the day I could relax and take part, knowing that Hannah had it all covered. Thank you Hannah for taking all the stress out of organising the event - you are a wonder!"
Victoria Collison
Executive Director
Historic Churches Scotland

"Hannah's support was crucial to the success of our event - throughout the planning process and on the day, her organisation, professionalism and flexibility were invaluable and her positivity made her a real joy to work with."
Jon Hodges
Cherish Project Manager
National Churches Trust

"Working with Hannah was such a delight; I’m so pleased at how slick and organised our event was.
We had such positive feedback throughout the day, and it all came together so well. It was a huge weight off my shoulders getting a professional like Hannah on board, and I wouldn’t hesitate to work with her again."
Craig Stanford ACIfA
Strategic Heritage Project Officer
Historic Environment Scotland